Bad Credit Loans

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The Banklady Credit Library: Join us in our new credit column featuring the topics of bad credit, gas tips, reverse mortgages, and ways to get out of debt.
Rates on 30-year mortgages, which had jumped to the highest level in over two years, edged down for a second straight week. Freddie Mac's weekly survey showed rates on 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages fell to 6.32 percent. Five-year hybrid adjustable rate mortgages rose slightly and 15-year fixed-rate mortgages (popular for refinancing) averaged 5.97 percent. Refinancing is very popular because Mortgage rates still continue to be at all time lows. Furthermore, Bad credit loans the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rate for this month was lower than the annual averages since the Freddie Mac survey began in 1971. A year ago the mortgage index was 5.7 percent. The Rate increases have made mortgage applications go up 6.1 percent last week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Bookmark this site for more mortgage updates.
Mortgage Trends: Hybrid adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) for you bad credit are steadily gaining popularity because consumers realize that mortgage interest rates will probably rise in future months. Two-fifths of all ARMs, according to Freddie Mac are the 5/1 hybrid ARMs with a fixed rate for five years before the one-year adjustable rate kicks in. Also, refinance mortgage applications are on the increase while rates have declined over the past few weeks. Now really is the time to refinance since it is forecasted for mortgage rates to rise in 2006 even when it looks to be another bad hurricane season and record setting high gas prices for the Summer of 2006.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
